Bestselling Authors.
Monthly Live Events.
Limitless Learning.

Authors365 is a new program, launching in 2025, to make bestselling business authors accessible to organizations of all sizes. We support employee development by creating highly engaging live events with some of the best business thinkers in the world.

Our vision is to help organizations improve their company culture, develop their people and provide a learning resource that employees will actually use. Events with business authors have the power to bring people together and create conversations that move teams forward but access has generally been limited to large organizations with ample budgets. We're on a mission to change that by creating new virtual events every month that are accessible to employees of all Authors365 members. We hope you'll join us.

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Authors365 - Business Author Talks

How It Works

Each month, Authors365 will livestream three virtual events with bestselling authors. The events will be an hour long and include the author sharing key ideas from their book(s) and time for questions. Employees from all Authors365 members will be able to tune into each talk to hear live from the thought leader. Recordings will be available for staff to watch later if they can't watch live.

Engaging Virtual Events

Live events with authors stream virtually so staff can access them anywhere in the world. Participants can submit & upvote questions, participate in polls and join the live chat.

Zero Administration Time

We know how busy HR and L&D staff are. We facilitate every author talk, email staff details of upcoming events, and handle all user support. This is as close to plug and play as it gets.

Event Learning Objectives

Each event includes a detailed description and learning objectives so staff know which author talks will be most valuable for them and teams can choose events to watch together.

Skill Building Resources

We provide a number of resources for each talk to help take the learning beyond that day's event including group discussion guides, skill building workbooks and additional resources.

Dedicated Support

Your dedicated customer success manager will support you and other organizational leaders to meet your goals and get the most value out of Authors365.

Organizational Branding

Your customized portal will include your organization's branding so events will feel more customized to your staff and teams.

Diversity of Speakers

We're committed to sharing a diversity of ideas and backgrounds. One way we do this is by ensuring that at least half of our speakers are women and/or people of color.

Detailed Analytics

Our platform includes detailed analytics about who has viewed each event, participant feedback and various roll up dashboards to make reporting on program success a breeze.


Authors and Our Experience

Our team has many years of experience working with authors and publishers to create amazing online programs. Below is a small sample of the book talks our team has hosted in the past to give you an idea of our team's experience:

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
Getting Things Done, The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen
Think Like a Rocket Scientist, Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life, by Ozan Varol
Indistractable, How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life, by Nir Eyal
Not Nice, How to Be Assertive and Direct in the Age of Nice, by Sally Hogshead
Impact Players: How to Take the Lead, Play Bigger, and Multiply Your Impact by Liz Wiseman
Unapologetically Ambitious, How to Be Bold, Brave, and Unstoppable, by Jenna Kutcher
Radical Candor, Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity, by Kim Scott
The Coaching Habit, How to Ask Great Questions and Make Great Decisions, by Michael Bungay Stanier
The AI Factor, How to Make the Most of the AI Revolution, by Melanie Swan
Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney
Range, How Life Imitates Video Games, by David Epstein
The Creative Curve, How to Build a Life That Feels Right, by Elizabeth Gilbert
Metabolical, How to Change Your Body, Change Your Life, by Dr. Mark Hyman
Building a Second Brain
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone
Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole by Tiffany Aliche

Why Work with Authors365?


We're on a mission to empower employees and organizations through learning opportunities with authors. Deepen your peoples' sense of meaning and wonder while they have fun with peers and grow personally and professionally.

"Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers." - Harry Truman

3 New Author Events Each Month

Foster a culture of continuous learning and development with new live author events each month. Inspire your people by showing them what's possible from bestselling business and personal growth authors. We'll feature a range of topics including leadership, management, personal growth, productivity, health and wellness.

Live and Engaging Virtual Events

Authors365 events are live and virtual which allows participants to hear directly from the author, wherever they're located. Submit questions, participate in the event chat, join polls, upvote questions and more during impactful one-hour events. Create shared learning experiences that bring people together.

Learn From The Best

The authors we feature combine world class knowledge with the ability to communicate ideas effectively, which, let's face it, is how they became a bestselling author in the first place. Finding time for professional development is hard enough; maximize the impact of your L&D dollars with true thought leaders.

Unparalleled Access

Bringing in even one bestselling author for a learning event can be cost prohibitive for many organizations. Authors365 allows employees to hear live from dozens of bestselling authors every year. New events every month keep team members engaged in a way that other development programs can't match.


Learning Solutions

We help organizations build impactful programs across a range of business needs. Whether that's focusing on learning programs in general, manager training, enhancing organizational culture, supporting employee resource groups or wellness initiatives, we have you covered with world class author events and support.







Let's Talk

Request a demo and explore how our book clubs or other managed programs can help engage your community in lifelong learning.

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